Monday, June 30, 2008

Bahouth Family 2008

Dear Family and Friends,
What started out as an update on Marissa has turned into our first family blog. Marissa is happy and doing well. Since she now weighs 76 pounds, in order to continue to care for her, our backs and the boys, we began to look into different options...a lift system, a remodel, a new house, home nursing etc. A long term care facility was at the bottom of our list. I went into it with the attitude of "okay, I'll go look at this place so I can see how horrible it is. Then, I can tell anyone that asks that I just couldn't do that to my little girl". I came out feeling the exact opposite. From that first visit, Mark and I knew it was an answer to our fasting and prayers.

So...Marissa's new digs, Main Ranch, is just 15 minutes away. It is only 1 year old. There are 6 bedrooms(which means only 6 children), 3 large bathrooms with lift systems, a large family room with a large flat screen TV, an activity room and a large back yard. Best of all the nurses and care providers are very loving, good people! She has been there over 4 weeks and things are going great. After her first week, one of the nurses said, "She is so cute; she giggles when I make animal noises." And I thought, “Oh, thank you, thank you for making animal noises to my little girl!!!” They lovingly take care of all her medical needs and I can show up to read her books or take her to lunch etc. Although I miss her at night, it feels good to be mom instead of physician.

Another bonus to her being at Main Ranch is that she is now in the Russell Ranch school district. Her 8-9 other classmates are all in wheel chairs and have similar "athletic" ability. So they all take turns going for a swim in the indoor 92 degree pool :) . At school she also receives lots of great help with physical therapy, occupational therapy, music therapy and assistive communication. The nurses and teachers there are also loving, kind, and amazing people!!

Although moving Marissa to a long term care facility is something I never thought we would do, we know that it is the right thing for her and a good thing for the whole family. Marissa is well cared for and happy. And, the boys are enjoying the additional mommy time they now get. (At first they barely recognized the crazy lady that was running up and down the soccer field kicking a ball to them.) Prayer has brought peace and we appreciate the support of friends we have told so far. Thanks to you all for the love and concern you show for Marissa. The most common question I get is, "How's Marissa?" Please don't stop asking about her. Although she has "moved away to school" she is still very much a part of our lives. We still see her every day and she comes home on weekends. Whether she is coming or going, she shows all signs of being content and happy.

As for the rest of our clan? … TJ (age 6) is managing the pros and cons of his special brain (aspergers). He reads at probably a 5th grade level and loves books, computers and playing in the pool. Although he stills struggles with connecting with and understanding others socially, he is making good progress with the help of his home based ABA (applied behavior analysis) program. Three hours a day 5 days a week he works on skills like how to prepare and eat a snack (instead of wearing it) and how to recognize and respond to other people emotions.

Truman (age 3) AKA Dash, continues to keep us on our toes. He has been too busy sliding across the floor in socks saying, “watch my skateboard,” kicking anything that resembles a ball, or leaping off anything he can climb to stop and use the restroom. A month ago I came up with a new goal of perhaps having him out of diapers before I am in them. Much to my relief however, he has finally decided to try not to get Spiderman and Thomas (underwear) wet. YA!

Mark is in Italy again with his new Intel spin off merger company Numonyx. Since there isn’t time for sight seeing, the only thing he has to say about Italy is that the food is good, but not worth the commute. His current work position has also motivated him to revisit a favorite place from the past, the racquetball court; a place where you can really take a whack at something and not get sent to anger management courses or CPS. He also enjoys wrestling with the boys, swimming with the kids or reading to Marissa.

As for me, other than a few motherly duties, I’m enjoying sitting around eating bon-bons and sending out Christmas letters 6 months early. Happy Holidays!!!

With love,
The Bahouths


Christy said...

I am so happy to hear that you and your family are doing well. What a magnificent gift the power of prayer is while raising our families. I miss seeing you at Swim Team ( we don't go anymore either) You are always easy to talk to, and us girls need to just talk and be talked to sometimes.
Keep in touch! If you would like to see my blog email me and i will send you the link.
Christina P

April Perry said...

Thanks for the update, Jayme! We miss you guys! I laughed about the bon bons...yeah, right! You have an amazing stamina, and you handle your life and family beautifully! You are all blessed to have each other!



Kaynne said...

Nice to see someone else in our family has figured out the interweb!

I'm glad to see things are going well!

jordan and maci said...

jayme i loved this!! thank you for posting and update and such cute pictures... i miss my second family:)

Kelly said...


We are so thrilled to see and hear from your family. We are glad to see that all is well. It's hard to believe how much your kids have grown. It good so see Marisa so happy and well.
We still talk about you and Mark often even though it's been more then 10 years since we left CA.
You and Mark are both amazing!
Were you able to see our blog? There's link for the Jensen's.

Love, Kelly and gang

Team Fellows said...


Marissa looks so happy and so do you! We are so happy for you.
The Fellows

mommy said...

Yea! I loved your Christmas letter, it made me cry (so tender!). What a beautiful family, you are all so blessed to have each other. Let's make plans to have lunch with Marissa soon....
Kathy G

Anonymous said...

I loved this update! I am always so happy to hear when things are going well for you - no one deserves it more than you. Thanks SO much for sharing!

Kristy said...

My friend!! You are so wonderful and deserve happiness. I'm so glad that everything is going so well for your family! You all look so happy. I know your decision about Marissa's health care was hard but I think you are being blessed for it, and you and Mark deserve it. You've had it much harder than most will ever have so take a moment and enjoy these blessings of peace you've earned it. I love you!!


Dianna said...

I love the blog! Thanks for sharing the fun times of your family! The cookie recipe is coming...SOON!

Timothy and Nicole said...

I love your blog. It was so fun to read it. Thanks for including us.

Dayna Jamison said...

OH JAYME, I had no idea that you were making such a tough decision, but man, how wonderful it sounds for both you and Marissa and your boys. I have always thought you were the hardest working mom ever, and sill do! I will always look up to you! Thanks for including me in your "early" Xmas letter. I love it.

Suzy said...

It's great to read about what's going on in your lives. Thanks for sending us the update!

Kristen King said...

Jayme and Mark, my heart has grown about three sizes after reading your update! Eric and I always say that someday we will be hanging on your coattails trying to get into the gates of heaven---we don't know better parents (or people) than the two of you! Thanks for sharing the latest on your beautiful family. You can be sure that Marissa continues to be in our thoughts and prayers as she branches out into this new, expanded world of hers. We love all the Bahouths and will look forward to tuning into the blog... but I aim to see you in person soon! love KRISTEN

excited family said...


I just love your blog, but even more I love on the comments on the blog. You have wonderful friends who understand you and support you. I am very proud of you! As you know I completely understand just how hard of a choice this has been. Marissa looks very happy.
p.s. I expect you to keep blogging, I know it might conflict with your bon bon eating but I want to hear about your vacation.

Family said...

Jayme -
I love the blog! It's such a great way to keep updated on your awesome family since it's so crazy trying to keep up with life and trying to keep in touch (in between all of the bon bon eating, of course). Your family picture at the top is amazing, and Marissa looks so happy in her new digs. Just in case you missed it in the other posts - you are amazing girl! I feel blessed every day to have you and Mark in my life as such special friends.
Lv, Trish

Shauna said...


I cannot even believe that your kids are as big as they are! i swear the last time i saw Marisa, she was like 4?? Shes so beautiful and OLD! makes me feel old!

Can't wait for the next bahouth family update.


Cassie said...

Jayme- I know you posted this about a year ago, but I just saw your blog off the Wood blog. So fun to see what your family is up to. Darling kids!